Aahil Ajani spotted a flyer on the wall at a Dallas College campus, and it struck a chord. Esports? Why not give it a try?…
Celebrating 55+ years of serving the Dallas community and nearly 3 million people. That's a lot of students!
Aahil Ajani spotted a flyer on the wall at a Dallas College campus, and it struck a chord. Esports? Why not give it a try?…
Dallas College is home to a couple national championship soccer programs. Again.
I was living a wild life. I didn’t care about the law or school. I just cared about money and elevating myself. For me, this is my second chance.
The best ideas are sometimes born from simple problems. Dallas College alums Jonathan Merrill and Terry Duncan were looking to grab lunch one day and…
What does Veterans Day mean to those who served our country? “It’s a time that most people are proud to be veterans,” said Jacqueline Shorter,…
Dallas College will have three teams competing for national championships this fall.
Daniel Alvarenga is a sandwich aficionado. He loves making them. He loves eating them. He loves talking about them.
Roy Vu, Ph.D., history faculty member at Dallas College North Lake Campus, always tells his students that history is personal. “Every story matters,” he said.…