Mental health first aid can give you the skills to help someone experiencing a mental health crisis.
Celebrating 55+ years of serving the Dallas community and nearly 3 million people. That's a lot of students!
Mental health first aid can give you the skills to help someone experiencing a mental health crisis.
Don’t miss out as Dallas College celebrates Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics this month with its annual STEM Fest, featuring hands-on activities, interactive demonstrations and…
Dawn-Jade Clover began her journey at Dallas College as a nursing student at Richland Campus. After graduating, she began to feel that her degree didn’t…
Read on and get inspired to create your own Last Semester Bucket List.
We’re looking for students to represent Dallas College at this year’s Community College National Legislative Summit. Students who are selected will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C. to attend…
Brookhaven women and Richland men won national soccer championships on November 14.
On Thursday, Nov. 18, Dallas College will celebrate Eliminate Tobacco Use Day, also known as the Great American Smokeout. If you’ve been thinking about quitting…
This survey is completely voluntary and takes only 5 minutes.
Richland’s student radio station is the Two-Year College Radio Station of the Year.
Dallas College’s Arts and Humanities Department is proud to announce art exhibits and performances are back on campus and open to the public.