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We all know about the “Near Finals Stress.” The time when college students stress out the most is before finals. Right? I know you agree with me. I feel your struggle. I know all about the late-night studies, the meltdowns and the lack of a social life…
As the end of Fall 2016 gets closer, it may be tempting to relax a bit as you get ready for the holiday break. But if you’re planning to take classes with us in the spring, there are still a few things you need to keep in mind.
Just like most people, it took me awhile to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up. I went from wanting to be a teacher when I was 6, a singer at 8, a pastry chef at 15, and now at 20 years old… a writer.
College is one of the most important steps in our lives. Many of us have dreamed of this moment since we were kids and as we grew older, our dreams of college grew with us.
With so many things going on, you’re bound to forget something. Here’s a list we’ve put together to try and help keep you on track for the Fall 2016 semester.
So we’ve noticed an uptick of activity recently when it comes to our colleges… it seems they’re crawling with Pokemon!
Meet Kimberly! Kimberly is currently a student at Eastfield, and she worked with us to produce one of our new 2016 ads in Spanish. Like many others, she has been a great help in the production of the new campaign!
Are you ready to begin the Fall 2016 semester at DCCCD? Here are some dates to keep in mind when it comes to registration and financial aid for fall classes.
Meet Sherrilyn! Sherrilyn studies Child Development at Eastfield, and she stepped up to help us promote Computer Information Technology programs for the 2016 ad campaign.
Being a leader doesn’t always come naturally. Some of us are naturally inclined to become leaders and managers, sure, but the rest of us have to work at it. Luckily, many of these practical business skills can be studied, taught and improved on over time… and that’s where Dallas Community Colleges come in!