Thinking about studying Digital Forensics? Find out what other DCCCD students are saying about the program.
Celebrating 55+ years of serving the Dallas community and nearly 3 million people. That's a lot of students!
Thinking about studying Digital Forensics? Find out what other DCCCD students are saying about the program.
As a fashion blogger, fashion lover, and aspiring fashion designer, you probably think my life is full of awesome clothes, nice lunches, and 24/7 shopping! Well… let’s clear the air and clarify that it’s most definitely not!
You read right – DCCCD is giving away free tickets to Dallas’ largest electronic dance music party, Lights All Night, Dec. 31-Jan. 1 at the Dallas Market Hall.
Wanna win free tickets to Jingle Ball? Of course you do. Thankfully, you can do that right here on the DCCCD blog!
Valerie Handley, a second-year student at Cedar Valley, wants to repair and service air conditioners on the rental properties she owns.
“After you write enough checks for someone else to work on them, you start to think ‘maybe I can do this myself,'” said Handley, who works as a 911 operator.
Thinking about studying Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology? Find out what other DCCCD students are saying about the program.
“I graduated from Richland with a 3.63 GPA in the spring of 2011,” says Matthew. “That same spring, I received notice that my application to Cornell University had been accepted.”
Hello, people of the blogosphere! I hope everyone’s semester is going great and that your classes aren’t too terribly hard.
Hello, ya’ll! I hope everyone is having a fantastic semester so far! I can’t believe we are reaching our mid-way point… time flies!
Thinking about transferring to a four-year college or university? You’re in luck – Oct. 12-15 is Transfer Week at DCCCD!