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Category: Why Dallas College?

Ashley’s 3 Tips for Dealing with College Stress

Feeling overwhelmed? For many college students, earning their degree is not the only priority in their lives. Work, school, or family to attend to all take up a significant amount of time for individuals. Many have a combination of all three. At times, juggling so many responsibilities can seem overwhelming. When this happens, there are numerous coping mechanisms we can use to balance our lives again.

What Can a Marketing Degree Do For Me?

A “marketer” can refer to just about anybody. They can be flashy, yet analytical; they can be salesy but still subtle; outgoing or quiet. Marketing itself can involve a number of different tasks – research, design, promotion, retail sales and more. A marketing skill set can also come in handy in a huge array of industries, which is why DCCCD offers programs in both Business Marketing and Fashion Marketing.