In This Edition
- Sustainability Summit Keynote speakers announced
- On Demand Webinars: Bonton Farms and Marsha Jackson
- Check out our new YouTube Channel
- Energy Efficiency Day on Oct. 5

The 2022 Sustainability Summit: Be the Change You Wish to See in the World
Dallas College brings two exciting keynote speakers to this year’s Sustainability Summit under the theme: “Be the Change You Wish To See in the World.” The summit will be held Nov. 4, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Brookhaven Campus and will also be live streamed. Environmental activist and hip-hop artist Xiuhtezcatl “X” Martinez will deliver the morning keynote message. In the afternoon, attendees will hear from best-selling author and marketing guru Seth Godin.

Martinez has been involved with the climate and environmental movement since he was 6 years old. He has addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations multiple times and served on panels alongside the likes of Bernie Sanders, Van Jones, Shailene Woodley, Bill McKibben and Pharrell Williams. He has been a guest on “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah” and “Real Time With Bill Maher” as well as many news and documentary programs.

Entrepreneur and speaker Godin has written 20 best-selling books, which have been translated into 37 languages. More than 20,000 people have attended his altMBA and The Akimbo Workshops online seminars. By focusing on everything from effective marketing and leadership to the spread of ideas and change, he has motivated and inspired countless people. His blog and podcasts are among the most popular in the world.
The first 500 in-person attendees to the Sustainability Summit will receive two copies of “Carbon Almanac: It’s Not Too Late,” a book of climate change infographics and facts that was published this summer (one from Dallas College to keep and one from The Carbon Almanac Network to give away). Godin compiled it with more than 300 contributors from around the world. He calls it his most important project to date because of the urgent challenge to counter climate change. He hopes it will help to “coordinate the actions of a billion people, to inspire and connect, and to rewire our economy” to slow climate change.
“In order to undo the poison that carbon has created, we have to change the systems that created it,” said Godin. He sees young people as key to speaking and acting on changing those systems. “The students at Dallas College are wise enough to know that, even if they didn’t cause this problem, they’re the ones that are going to lead us to the solution.”
“Today, right now, is your chance to chart a new course. Because if it’s not you, who will?” he said. “When we coordinate actions and focus on governance, markets and industry, it’s amazing how fast the world can change.”
During three break-out sessions, Sustainability Summit attendees can choose from six different presentations about leading a sustainable life through agriculture and horticulture, transportation, making your home energy conscious, sustainable purchases and community engagement.
The Dallas College Sustainability Summit is free to attendees and open to the public. Lunch will be included for those who preregister to attend. For more information and to preregister visit the Sustainability Summit webpage.
View a map to the Dallas College Brookhaven Campus.
New! October Sustainable U Webinars Available Now On Demand
Bonton Farms: Planting Seeds to Grow Hope
The Bonton community and Daron Babcock founded Bonton Farms, one of the largest urban farms in the United States, nestled in a once-forgotten neighborhood in South Dallas.
Known for crime, violence and extreme poverty, the community of Bonton needed an intervention at the macro level — something Daron believed was possible.
Bonton Farms is more than a farm — it is the catalyst that is helping to level the playing field. Together, the community and Bonton Farms are creating the systemic change needed so the residents of Bonton and others from marginalized neighborhoods all over the country can achieve the “American Dream” that was promised 200 years ago.
Watch Daron Babcock share the Bonton Farms story.
Marsha Jackson: The Woman who Moves Mountains
For nearly two years, a southern Dallas neighborhood called Floral Farms was a dumping ground for roof shingles that piled up taller than the homes nearby. Poor air quality — attributed to the shingles’ toxic dust — caused health issues including headaches, breathing problems and vocal cord inflammation for residents.
Marsha Jackson, a resident of Floral Farms since 1995, along with her neighbors and other community advocates, committed herself to fighting against Shingle Mountain until it was finally cleared in February 2021.
Marsha Jackson, environmental activist, proved that together, we can move mountains.
83 Sustainable U Webinars Uploaded to YouTube and Counting!
The Sustainable Dallas College YouTube channel is growing! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to view past and future Sustainable U webinars. Explore topics like climate change, gardening, sustainable cities, and much more! New webinars are uploaded monthly. Like and subscribe to our channel to stay up to date.
Meet Lori Delacruz Lewis

Meet Lori Delacruz Lewis, assistant director of sustainability for education, and presenter in our most-viewed video on YouTube. Lori discusses how to illuminate regional social justice issues to drive change. Learn how you can do your part to help give a voice to the voiceless.
Lori’s presentation explains the UN Sustainable Development Goal No. 10: Reduced Inequalities. This SDG calls for reducing inequalities in income as well as those based on age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status.
Energy Efficiency Day Is Oct. 5
Energy Efficiency Day occurs every year on the first Wednesday of October. We are dependent on energy to run all aspects of our lives including transportation, businesses and homes. Being energy efficient means using less energy to get the same job done. Practicing energy-efficient methods can reduce pollution and help lower energy bills. Small steps can lead to great strides!
Here are some ways you can make an impact on Oct. 5:
- Plug in only the electronics that you are using.
- Use natural lighting whenever possible.
- Turn light switches off when leaving a room.
- Adjust thermostat a few degrees higher in the hot months and lower in the cold months.
- Try washing clothes with cold water and consider using a drying rack instead of an electric clothes dryer.
- Run your dishwasher only with a full load.
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Follow Sustainable Dallas College on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube! Stay up to date on our upcoming sustainability events, and connect with other people passionate about creating a sustainable way of life.