Last updated on February 2, 2022
In This Issue:
- Welcome to Sustainable Dallas College Faye and Neil
- Summit Recordings Now Available Online
- Join Our Online Book Discussions
- Upcoming Events
Dallas College Welcomes Two New Assistant Directors of Sustainability

Meet Faye Davis
Faye is the new assistant director of sustainability for outreach and engagement. She is responsible for producing the weekly Sustainable U webinars and the annual Sustainability Summit. She also will be supporting the student and employee sustainability/green teams and engaging new partners to collaborate with Sustainable Dallas College. Faye is a graduate of Concordia University in Austin, Texas, where she received her MBA in management and communications. Before coming to Dallas College, Faye was the director of student life at Navarro College.

Meet Neil Kaufman
Neil is the new assistant director of sustainability for urban agriculture and food security at Dallas College. He will be overseeing the campus gardens, collaborating with faculty members who want to use the gardens to support their courses and teaching community members how to garden, compost and recycle. Additionally, he will be partnering with other food security organizations in Dallas County on collaborative projects. Prior to coming to Dallas, Neil was the sustainability manager for university housing and dining at UT Austin. Neil has a degree in wildlife biology from Texas State University.
Sustainability Summit and TRACS Summit Recordings Now Available Online
If you didn’t get to watch the online Sustainability Summit (Nov. 5) or Texas Regional Alliance for Campus Sustainability (TRACS) Summit (Nov. 8-9) live, check out the recordings, which will be available until May 31. Just visit the websites below and click on the “View the Session” buttons.
Participate in Dallas College’s Sustainability Book Discussions
Beginning in February 2022, Dallas College will be hosting an online Sustainability Book Club that is open to the public as well as to Dallas College students and employees. The first book we’ll discuss is “Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World” by Dr. Katharine Hayhoe.
The club will meet twice a month, on the second and fourth Friday of the month from noon to 1 p.m.
Email Faye Davis at and let her know you plan to participate so she can send you reminders 24 hours in advance.
Use these links to join the discussion:
Upcoming Events:
February 2022 Sustainable U Webinars
There is no charge to attend these events, but we do ask that you register in advance using the links below.
The Heart of Community Engagement: Practitioner Stories From Across the Globe
Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2022, Noon to 1 p.m.
How do you work with local communities for a sustainable and resilient future? Dr. Wilson shares a few stories from her book, “The Heart of Community Engagement,” to illustrate how effective change agents learn the inner art of community engagement as well as the outer art of awareness-based practice. In the end the people will say, “We did it ourselves.”
Patricia A. Wilson, University of Texas School of Architecture
Tony Bissiri
Register for Feb. 1 event.
Bridging the Gap Between Homelessness and Sustainable Housing in Dallas
Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2022, Noon to 1 p.m.
Dr. David Woody, III, is the President and CEO of The Bridge Homeless Recovery Center.
Located in the Farmers Market District of downtown Dallas and open 24 hours daily, the multi-service campus offers basic needs services, along with access to healthcare, income alternatives, and long-term housing. This “one-stop” concept lessens the need for transportation and alleviates frustration experienced by homeless individuals when accessing services. Our highly trained staff coordinates all on-site services and advocates for those experiencing homelessness from the point of entry until they are placed in housing.
As President and CEO, Dr. Woody is responsible for the provision of Day and Night Shelter to 800 City of Dallas homeless Guests daily, the facilitation of 100 employees work supporting the delivery of homeless centric services, and ensuring that the organization’s work and activities sustain a focus on reducing the incidence of homelessness in Dallas.
Dr. David Woody, III
Register for Feb. 15 event.
Bridging the Gap From Prison to Promise
Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2022, Noon to 1 p.m.
On Feb. 15, 2012, Texas’ highest state court, the Court of Criminal Appeals, found Richard Miles innocent of a murder and attempted murder for which he had been incarcerated 15 years but had nothing to do with. While incarcerated, Richard unsuccessfully appealed his conviction in July 1997 and was denied his first Writ of Habeas Corpus in February 2006. He was released from prison on Oct. 10, 2009. But the fight was far from over.
Richard Miles founded Miles of Freedom, a Dallas nonprofit that seeks to deal with the entire structure of re-entry when it comes to the previously incarcerated individual coming home. Their mission is to equip, empower and employ people returning home from prison and provide support and assistance for families and communities impacted by incarceration.
Register for this webinar to hear Richard’s story and his work in the Dallas community.
Richard Miles
Register for Feb. 22 event.
Take the Pledge