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Dallas College Blog Posts

Finding Home: Andrea’s Journey from Mexico to Mesquite

When Andrea Carrizales first heard that her family was moving to the United States, she was thrilled. A freshman in high school, Andrea began English classes to prepare for the big trip. Her father, an engineer, went ahead of the family to begin his new job as an elementary school teacher in Mesquite, Texas.

Finally, in fall 2010, the Carrizales family was reunited. But their new home in the U.S. wasn’t what Andrea expected.

“Something New” by DCCCD Student Blogger Linda Simington

Well hello! I missed you over the summer. Hope you had a great time whether it was relaxing, having fun in the sun, or taking advantage of summer classes. Things are moving right along for me as I begin the next phase of my academic plan – working towards my bachelor’s degree. And wouldn’t you know it, Eastfield continues to pave the way for me in my quest.