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Dallas College Blog Posts

Stop Cybercrime in Its Tracks: Earn a Cyber Security Associate Degree

Cyber security risks are everywhere. That’s because electronic data leaves a trail, kind of like fingerprints. Whether you’re shopping online, reading a news article or even logging into your bank account, you’re leaving a series of breadcrumbs about who you are and where you’ve been. You can learn about those breadcrumbs and what they might mean to criminals through the Cyber Security program at DCCCD.

Reboot Your Career With a Computer Support Specialist Associate Degree

Thinking about a career change? IT jobs in Texas are in high demand, particularly as organizations continuously upgrade hardware, software and network equipment in order to keep up with quickly changing technology demands. But where do you fit into all that? Keep reading to learn more about how an education in Computer Information Technology can help reboot your career.

Focus on a New Creative Outlet: Take Photography Classes

A lot of people think it’s as simple as “point and click,” but do you know what aperture is? Dynamic range? Shutter speed? Rule of thirds These are all commonly used terms in the world of photography — and it’s not as simple as you might think. Keep reading to learn more about whether or not photography classes might be right for you.

Design, Fix, Tinker: Become a Mechatronics Technician

Mechatronics refers to the combination of mechanics and electronics, and uses advanced manufacturing technology and automated fabrication machinery. It may have a funny and often misunderstood name, but it’s actually an advanced manufacturing field for people who are interested in diagnosing, repairing and maintaining automatic equipment.