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Hello! This week, we’re talking a little more about U.S. News and World Report’s 100 Best Jobs of 2017 — this time, as it relates to IT jobs in Texas and the programs DCCCD offers to help get you started.
It’s that time of year again: it’s time to talk about the U.S. News and World Report’s 100 Best Jobs of 2017! We’ll be breaking down the list by industry and discussing which jobs you can get with an associate degree from Dallas Community Colleges, along with a little information about what each career path might look like and what kind of salary you can expect to make.
DCCCD has a new way to talk to us: texting! You can ask us questions and get help with things like applying to our colleges, registering for classes, transcripts and anything else you need. Keep reading to find out more.
Developing skills in geographic information systems (GIS) can lead to a variety of career paths in government, real estate, public health, crime mapping, landscape architecture, community planning, logistics and so much more. Read more to get a better idea of the wealth of options available to students with an education in GIS.
Skilled video technicians are in high demand in the video production, television broadcast and film industries. Thankfully, our associate degree program and certificate programs provide a comprehensive foundation to enter the video production or television broadcast arena.
Spring is in the air, and so is academia! Here are a few dates to keep in mind as you start the new semester at DCCCD.
Most people think of playing video games as a hobby. But there’s a lot that goes into game production. It’s not just about having the skills of one person. You also need level designers, animators, audio producers… and that barely begins to cover it. No one person does it all, and each role is significant.
Are you a college student with an interest in a career in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (also known as STEM)? If so, you might want to look into this great opportunity to work alongside professionals at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Are you a future mechanic looking for a little extra cash to help pay for college? Look no further: we have a whole slew of scholarship opportunities for Automotive Technology students that you need to check out!
Current certified nurse aides can participate in a free job training opportunity that will help increase their earning potential by up to 20 percent: Project OnRamp!