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Category: Programs

Here Are Some of the Best Health Care Jobs to Have in 2017

It’s that time of year again: it’s time to talk about the U.S. News and World Report’s 100 Best Jobs of 2017! We’ll be breaking down the list by industry and discussing which jobs you can get with an associate degree from Dallas Community Colleges, along with a little information about what each career path might look like and what kind of salary you can expect to make.

What Can a Marketing Degree Do For Me?

A “marketer” can refer to just about anybody. They can be flashy, yet analytical; they can be salesy but still subtle; outgoing or quiet. Marketing itself can involve a number of different tasks – research, design, promotion, retail sales and more. A marketing skill set can also come in handy in a huge array of industries, which is why DCCCD offers programs in both Business Marketing and Fashion Marketing.