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We Are Dallas College: Jzantil Hopkins-Swanson

What brought you to Dallas College?

I first attended as a dual credit student in 2007 and returned multiple times. Most recently, in 2024, a friend encouraged me to come back. Life had taken me in different directions — work, military service and parenthood — but I realized I needed to finish school for my career advancement and to set an example for my son, because I can’t fuss at him about not doing something all the way through if I’m going to be the one that he’s seeing stopping. Changing my focus changed my outcome.

What was your journey from Dallas College to the Navy and back?

I was at Mountain View when I met a Navy recruiter at a job fair. He asked if I wanted to go to school for free, and without hesitation, I signed up. In 2010, I transitioned from college straight into military service. After two and a half years, I was injured and returned home in 2012. I started school again as soon as my son was born but struggled to balance work and education until I found the right path.

How has your military experience shaped your success as a student?

The discipline and training I received in the Navy gave me a strong work ethic. When I returned to school, I approached it like a mission — focused and task-oriented. The support from the Military Connected Services at Dallas College was invaluable, helping me navigate benefits and resources that made balancing school and life easier. I realized the community at Dallas College genuinely wants veterans to succeed. They told me I was the personality type they needed to build the community here of veterans who need support, so that role has meant a lot to me.

What are your career goals, and how does your education fit into them?

I am a licensed hairstylist, but my education has expanded my vision. Welding brought me closer to my son, and sociology helped me see how I can give back. My ultimate goal is to earn a doctorate and open a school where I can teach trade skills to others, ensuring they have opportunities to succeed, no matter their circumstances. My biggest hope is just that I find the same quality education I had here when I move on and graduate in May.

What moment made you realize Dallas College was the right place for you?

At a support programs luncheon, Dr. Higgs, head of Military Connected Services, said, “How do we know what programs will cater to our students if we never include our students in these luncheons and meetings?” That commitment to listening and adapting to student needs made me feel valued. Dallas College genuinely supports and respects veterans and students from all walks of life, and that’s why I’m proud to be here.

Published inStudent Success Story