Lara Dodson-Tello remembers her dad telling her to find a recession-proof career. He struggled to sustain his graphic design career — back when graphic designers were gifted artists who used techniques such as airbrushing and pen-and-ink illustrations — as computers started making those skills more obsolete in the 1980s.
Dodson-Tello never forgot that piece of advice even though she had to put her career aspirations on hold while she raised a young family. But, when she was ready to start college in 2008, she arrived at Dallas College’s El Centro Campus with a simple mindset: find a recession-proof career.
“I waited in line and then Dr. Jermain Pipkins brought me in,” she said. “We had a life-changing conversation.”
Pipkins went over several different options with Dodson-Tello. Ultimately, he mentioned a criminal justice degree being the best route.
“I remember he referred to it as an ‘umbrella degree,’” Dodson-Tello said. “I never thought of that because I always assumed it meant I would have to be a police officer, which I wasn’t really interested in. But, after our conversation, I realized that would be a great degree.”
Dodson-Tello graduated with a criminal justice associate degree in 2010. She went on to earn a bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas and a master’s degree from Sam Houston State University. Dodson-Tello enjoyed a successful career working in legal compliance and with cutting-edge technologies in the security and IT services industries.
She always remembered the impact Pipkins had on her. Now, she is hoping to make a similar impact on the next generation. That’s why she recently became a success coach with Dallas College. As fate would have it, Pipkins has moved into a leadership role overseeing the success coaches as an assistant vice chancellor.
“Dr. Pipkins gave me hope, and it was a life-changing moment,” Dodson-Tello said. “It was his motivation and inspiration that kept me going. When I met him again, I felt like I had come full circle. Now, I’m in a position to give back and help others. I have a strong desire to inspire college students.”

Rewarding Career
Dodson-Tello calls being a success coach the best job she’s had. She gets to help students navigate the waters of higher education and find a career that suits their need.
No student is the same, of course, which makes every day unique.
“At the end of the day, this job brings me satisfaction that I can’t get from a paycheck,” she said. “Helping people and knowing I’ve made an impact is incredibly rewarding. Just a couple of weeks ago, I assisted an emeritus student. They were enrolling in computer classes to improve their skills for the job market. That made me feel so good — I can give someone hope for the future.”
Dodson-Tello had another example of helping a couple of first-generation students get involved with TRIO and Phi Theta Kappa.
“Everyone, regardless of age or background, has something to contribute and getting an education brings out our best talents,” Dodson-Tello said. “I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to help others.”

Final Word
Dodson-Tello has worked in a number of different organizations, but Dallas College’s culture and workforce stands out. After all, it’s hard to find an employee who hasn’t bought into the mission of transforming lives and communities through higher education.
“It is inspirational to work around people who inspire me. I look forward to coming to work every day, knowing that something I’m going to do will help another person,” she said. “I have a strong service work ethic, and coming to work feels like being part of a family — a workforce family. Everyone here is passionate, motivated and inspirational. We all work together. It creates a great culture.”
Dodson-Tello added that her day always gets off to a positive start thanks to the friendly front desk team at the Eastfield Campus.
“I’m always greeted with a smile and a cheerful ‘good morning’ from our amazing front desk team, Luz and Gilbert,” she said. “Their positivity sets the tone for the day. It’s just one example of how special the environment is at Dallas College.”