Last updated on January 11, 2024
Talk to us about your journey to Dallas College and what led you here.
I’m from Newport News, Virginia, where growing up amidst violence made it easy to get distracted. Wanting a better future for myself and my family, we decided to move to Texas for a new start. Despite a lack of stability in high school, a close relationship with Coach Phillips at Mountain View helped me focus, and now, as a freshman, I’m trusting the process.
Was there a specific life-changing moment that prompted your family to move from Virginia to Texas?
Over time, the challenging environment in Virginia, with easy temptations, led my dad to believe that a change was necessary for our well-being. He wanted us to have better opportunities and not succumb to negative influences, so we moved to Texas, and we’ve never looked back.

How have you become equipped to overcome adversity and challenges, both on and off the court?
Witnessing my grandmother’s resilience in battling health issues, including kidney failure, taught me that adversity is conquerable. Her selfless attitude, putting others before herself, inspired me to believe in my abilities and face challenges head-on.
What are you studying at Dallas College, and what is your dream for the future?
Currently studying accounting, I also plan to delve into business. Beyond my dream of playing professional basketball, I aspire to be known for more than just sports — a great person, mentor and successful businessman, guiding others to achieve their dreams.

As a first-generation college student, what does it mean to you, and what advice would you give to those facing similar challenges?
Being the first in my family to attend college fills me with pride. I carry the weight of setting an example for my siblings. My advice to others facing challenges is to be themselves, believe in their dreams and work hard. Don’t let anyone discourage you — everything is possible.
I want my legacy to be remembered as someone who defied the odds, remained kindhearted and served as an inspiration for those striving to achieve their goals.
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