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Yousha: “Beware World, I’m Coming in Hot!”

Last updated on September 26, 2019

This post was written by Yousha, a DCCCD student blogger and Richland College student.

Finally, I made it. My journey from elementary to high school finally came to an end. So, begins a new chapter of my life… college. Now, I begin my journey to my associate degree! I am a freshman in college and there are many myths and rumors about the ‘Freshman 15.’ I was unaware of what it was until I started asking around and due to the workload and change of learning styles it can cause students to either gain or lose 15 pounds. I haven’t experienced it yet, but still watching for it.

Starting college is a bumpy and confusing road, but college education is not that scary after all. I chose to attend Richland College because it is convenient and close to where I live. Not only the overall environment but also the natural beauty makes it easy to find a peaceful spot to do homework, study for a test, or just hang out with friends. It is different than high school, because students really want to study.

I have always been in search of more knowledge because knowledge is power. In the Middle East, education isn’t free, I could not afford school which caused a two-year delay but thanks to community college, I can study and hopefully obtain my Ph.D.! This drives me to study and always do better which can make it more difficult to pick between classes and amazing professors.

Honestly, I cannot pick just one professor because all professors genuinely care about their students and try to help as much as possible. So far, my experience is amazing because I am already having so much fun with my curricular and extracurricular activities like being part of the DCCCD Street Team, honors academy and ANAPISI while maintaining a perfect 4.0 GPA.



Published inStudent Success StoryWhy Dallas College?