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5 Tips for Starting Fall Classes

Last updated on August 28, 2017

IMG_4436.JPGwritten by Betty Tuttass, a spring student blogger who will be blogging for us again this semester. 

Hello everyone, summer is slowly coming to an end and with that in mind, school is right around the corner.

To ease your transition back to college I came up with five essential tips on getting back into the school routine!

1. Buy your books.

I’ve heard of people waiting until the first day or even first week of class to buy their books, but I prefer to buy my books at least a week before school starts. You can buy your books on Amazon or online through your school’s bookstore, but I prefer to buy them early at the bookstore in person.

This way, you avoid having to wait in line at the bookstore and you avoid not having your books in time for an early assignment. You’re also able to relax, knowing that you have everything you need for your first day of class.

2. Find out where your classrooms are.

This is an easy step that will save you confusion on the first couple of days at school. Go online, find your schedule, and look where your classes are located. Which building are they in? If you’re already at school to buy your books, find your classrooms.

This gives you a good idea of where to park your car so you don’t have to walk all the way across the whole campus to find your building.

You will also feel more confident knowing exactly where to go on your first day of school, so you don’t walk into the wrong classroom.

3. Buy a planner.

I can’t stress this enough. You will need this to write down your homework, important assignments, your work schedule and other events that you need to keep track of. Everyone needs a planner.

You can also use the calendar on your iPhone or laptop for events and assignment dates, but you never know when your phone battery might be running low or your laptop might suddenly shut down.

4. Stock your pantry with healthy snacks.

Before your first day of school, go grocery shopping. This is for those long nights of studying and quick breaks in-between classes so you can stay healthy and fit.

My favorite snacks to bring to school are fresh fruits, wheat crackers with a tablespoon of hummus and a handful of dried craisins.

Also remember to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated!

5. Print out your schedule.

Print out your schedule before the first day of class and put it in your backpack. I personally like to print mine out and glue it into my planner so it doesn’t get lost. This will come in handy to make sure you’re in the right class with the right professor.

If you are a student who is working while attending college, talk to your manager or supervisor about your working hours during the semester. Remember that your first priority should be your academic life, not your work life.

I learned my lesson as I decided to work as a afternoon teacher my second semester of my freshman year. As much as I loved my job, I had difficulties trying to find a healthy balance between work, school, homework, studying, time for myself, friends and family.

This is why I decided to quit my job and focus more on my academics and extra-curriculum activities this upcoming semester.

With that in mind, a last piece of advice: Step out of your comfort zone.

  • join a club that you have been secretly interested in for a while
  • confidently ask a question in class
  • speak your mind and share your ideas with others

I wish you all the best for this semester and I will talk to you soon!


***Read all of our student blogger posts and stay tuned for posts introducing our other student bloggers later this month.

Published inWhy Dallas College?